Thursday, March 22, 2007

People change I guess, they really do. And I thought you'd never change, but you did, and things have changed too. It just isn't the same anymore, no matter how I look at it. If you don't wanna care, then don't! Do not act like you do cause that sucks and it makes you seem like a bastard! Yaaaaaaaaargh, my dislike for the opposite gender's growing and this isn't good, cause half of my better friends are of that gender. This is not good. And no, don't get me wrong, I am not turning into some anti guy person or whatsoever, I am still a perfectly straight girl and that will never change, please get that right. I still do like my friends very much thank you. It's just that I honestly feel that there isn't a need for women to depend on men to survive in this world. We are perfectly capable on living off ourselves. okay, maybe it's just my thinking, no offence to anyone out there. I just don't like it how they can be such superficial creatures, hypocritical most of the time. Yaaaaaargh! This is driving me nuts! You're absolutely nuts/crazy/(insert whatever word here).


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