Saturday, March 10, 2007

So Much I..

Today's all good.
Caught an awesome movie with awesome people.
300's a really good movie, y'all should go catch it, it's M18 though.. HAHA!
els: too bad our cute guy died, his bod's da bomb man! :(
Anyhoo,everyone's leaving next week! :( Elsie's leaving on sunday, baby's leaving on tuesday and my classmates are leaving too!
I've got ample time to work on my guitar and my basic theory! I so need to pass it on the first time! Oh yes! Results are coming out next week too!
I am going to break into a panic frenzy I swear!
I'd just die if I wake up to a sms that says, F F F F ! ZOMG

ok i think i'm getting paranoid.
that's how I've been lately too anyway.
it's times like these when you know that God's the one who's really in control and not us, like what Shawn always tells me, " His plan above ours" and it's so true.

Well, pardon the randomness of this entry, it's almost 2am and I can't get to sleep despite having been out the whole entire day. The thought of having to wake up at 7.30am for trng and having a match later on in the day tells me that I SHOULD be somewhere in slumberland now but nooooooo, my body doesn't wanna go to sleep mode yet.

Should I get bangs in my hair?


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