Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I had no school today!

Yes! No school for all CCM students today as we're only required to attend lectures and CommSkills tutorial which we both didnt have today. HAHA (for first week only la)

So I slept till 11.30, woke up/watched Jamie/played guitar and then.......
I decided to ''study'' my OrgBeh lecture notes. When I did look through them, I realise I didn't really understand anything, sooooooooooo, I got scared and did up my own notes and went through them over and over again. I think I'm paranoid or in the words of Tanny Wong "kiasuism" -.-

There's gonna be IntHT lecture tomorrow from 9-11 and then I'll have a FOURHOURBREAK! Before CommSkills tut. FOURWHOLEHOURS!! I'll probably go snooze in the library or something. Ohoh, hockey trials are tomorrow as well! I want hockey, and I want it BAD, Floorball's next tuesday.

After one day of school, I hearby declare that BCS lecture makes me cold/tired/and miserable. I remember sitting in the LT yesterday, grumbling to Alicia how boring BCS was and that I couldnt understand a single thing the lecturer was mumbling about. I was cold/tired/and miserable! Why are we learning BCS anyway!!

On saturday I have OrgBeh lecture in the morning! From 9am to 11am. I WANTED TO SLEEP IN ON SATURDAY!!

Somebody give me a hug!



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