Saturday, April 22, 2006

Day Two`

Day two in TP was alright, actually I found it pretty boring compared to the day before. We met with our course manager in the morning for some talk. He's a pretty funny/nice kinda guy :) Afterwhich, we had teabreak before heading to meet with our care person. She's nice too! We voted for our class rep, the girls voted for Vinnxie.
So around noon time, we headed to the sports complex for the inter-school games. Business school won Dragon Boat and OVERALL!! We did loads of cheering and it was extreamly humid, so after the whole thing, I felt tired, really tired.

Took a bus/train/train down to meet Tanny at Bishan for the RJC gig.
I SAW DESMOND!! hahaha.

Tanny and I left after Spanishfly's set and we caught the movie Take the Lead. Not bad a movie!

We cabbed home around 11.30!! I was SO tired, washed up and hit the pillows.
Ohoh, I received my time table too. I end late almost everyday except tuesday :/ How am I gonna have a CCA?!?!?!

Gonna meet Nic later for guitar! It's been almost two weeks!



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