Friday, April 14, 2006

How could you do this to me?

Today, Daddy flew off to China :( I didn't even get the chance to say goodbye!! :'( Sigh, oh well, he'll be back on tuesday! :D

We had Good Friday service, it was all good.

Thank You for the Cross, the mighty Cross
That God Himself should die for such as us
And everyday we're changed
Into Your image more and more
Yes by the Cross
We've truly been transformed

And we're so amazed
And we give You praise
For the power of the Cross

God is good, really good. :)

And so after the service, the three of us zipped down to suntec where we wandered about for two hours or so before heading home and sleeping our butts away till about 7pm. Ohoh and the thunder was SUPER LOUD! and it scared the hell outta me -.-'' but the rain was good for sleeping! Seriously, what else can you do during a thunderstorm but sleep? :D heh heh.

FINALLY! Orientation's starting on Thursday! As much as I'm looking forward to it, I'm kinda dreading it as well, oh bother!.. :/

Hmmm, I've got to make this desicion, I've got to make it quick! Ahhhhhhhhhhh! WHY CAN'T YOU COME TO ME MUCH EARLIER IN THE YEARRRRRRRRRRRR?!?!?!?! I wouldn't be in sucha delima now. MS KOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!! :/ Oh well, I've replied her e-mail, I'll see how it goes.



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