Yesterday's was pretty much, a messed up day. First, it was the darn weather, one moment you'd get huge raindrops pelting down on your skin, the next, you'd get the sun blazing down on your back. I do not appreciate such drastic changes in the weather.
Secondly, the below was really uncalled for. Mike Dean should really have thought more about the card, I'm just really hoping that things do pick up. It's getting depressing and not to mention, disappointing.
Yesterday's was pretty much, a messed up day. First, it was the darn weather, one moment you'd get huge raindrops pelting down on your skin, the next, you'd get the sun blazing down on your back. I do not appreciate such drastic changes in the weather.
Secondly, the below was really uncalled for. Mike Dean should really have thought more about the card, I'm just really hoping that things do pick up. It's getting depressing and not to mention, disappointing.
On the up side, service was good and it was nice spending the evening at grand's with the family : )
"He has made everything beautiful, in it's time" Ecclesiates 3: 11
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