Sunday, March 12, 2006

It's all in the mind!

Alrightttttt! I'm finally back from camp..okay well I left early, the girls are still in school and will only finish at 5.30.. haha oh well, we're not needed anymore so yeah.

Let me bore you with the details of the camp...

Day one really tested our patience and everything else we've got. Well first thing the girls got was a big fat scolding from the orderly..why? cus well they were late and some were not properly attired. I guess the scolding brought their morale down and for the rest of the day, everyone was pretty ''dead'' and not performing.
Michelle, Valerie and I did the inspections and it was horrible!!!! The girls do not treat their uniform with respect... Oh well, we showered only at 1am and then stayed up till the wee hours of the morning, talking and listening to Michelle's guy stories.................

Day two was much better. The girls showed improvement and our sessions went alright. (: (: (:
I left for guitar and it was nice to have dinner with nic, adrian, dong, lawrence and DIN! haha. Took the train with Adrian till Serangoon and then took a bus back to camp. Goodness! The bus was filled with BENGS.................... I wanted to die.
The special programme was good. It was a relaxing moment we all had before duties/inspections/area cleaning. Yeah, debrief was OK, not good, but okay. So the girls all went to sleep while the officers and seniors were planning their midnight surprise... MIDNIGHT DRILL! It's at 2.30am. Whistles were being blown, long and loud, instructions were being shouted out.. BUT no one responded!! Everything had to be repeated THREE times!! before we got a response............. This is bad! It has never happened before.. so the girls got into alot of trouble and yeah....

Day Three's the BEST!! hahaha, well cus we didnt do much. Had some marketing programme in the morning, some cooking competition.. and guess what?? They made me the Judge?!?! Why?!? Just because I was in Food and Nurtition, and I'm going to take a culinary course........................... I was watching the girls cook in the home ec rooms and all I can say is, that what I saw made me reaaaaaaaaaaaaallly relucntant to be the Judge, cus I had to TASTE the food....... oh well! Yan Hui force fed me.. hahahah. That was the only thing the seniors did with the camp today. After lunch we packed our dorms and just sat around and talked. Michelle was snoozing on the tables.............................. then we left at 2.30.

YEAAH! Well, that's how I spent my weekend. This post is bloody boring I know, but well, those are all the things I did.. CAMP and nothing else. I'm just glad it's over.

I MISS MY DADDY!! He's in HongKong now!! :(

and I need to complete my poly application stuff... its sucha hassle, medical reports.. passport photos.. photocopied stuff.... I'm so lazy to do it!



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