Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Cold War`

Alright, went down to PL with Alisa today and it was BLAZING HOT! God, I swear I was melting... okay so we got the booklet and the materials printed and everything's almost done I guess.
So Alisa and I sat outside the printing room to fold the booklets and I SAW MRS KOH!! hahaha, she was kinda shocked to see me there and we had a nice chat :D She said she'll visit my restuarant next time! haha.

Oh I had this little accident with the stapler today.. this is what happens when you're doing the staple binding for 40 odd camp booklets, you tend to get careless and may end up stapling your own thumb instead of the booklet. That's what happened to me and I had to dig out the thing using a scissors. Okkay it's gross I know. :/

Well the cold war's still going on, I know I should say sorry but I'm not going to, call me stubborn but I'm just as mad as she is.. and MY ARM IS SWOLLEN because of her!! and she still denies throwing the remote at me, like hello!? would I hit myself with the remote??? okay enough of that.. we'll see what happens on Friday..



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