Friday, March 03, 2006

This is it I guess...

Well, I just checked the JAE posting and guess where I'm posted to?? No, not a JC, but Temasek Poly's Culinary and Catering Management! Can you believe that? I'm still trying to accept it.. it's kinda hard when you've been expecting to end up in a JC and start school on monday....

I guess this is where God wants me to be, He has placed me there for a reason and I'm gonna leave it as it is. No I'm not going to appeal or anything of that sort. Well come to think of it, food was what I originally wanted to do. Strange as it may sound but I actually have something for food, I did enjoy my F&N lessons alot and did not bad in them as well, I guess only God knows what's best for me and who knows what He has in store for me in TP..

You'll never know, ten years later I may be the one cooking your next meal! okay I'm just trying to cheer myself up. My mom said " God will grant you the desires of your heart" and I guess its true somehow.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I'M JUST SO UPSET!! or rather DISAPPOINTED!!
but well, this is life, just gotta accept it.



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