Monday, February 11, 2008


A weekend filled with various visitation of different homes, catching up with loved ones and relatives you seen once a year, non-stop consumption of foooood and receiving red packets filled with cash, pretty much sums up my lunar new year.

The week's gonna be spent sitting in for revision lectures, trying to make sense of all the lectures i've missed in preperation for the end semester examinations, which would realize before the term break! TERM BREAK, i can't wait. break just screams freedom.

cookie's a real mess right now, i just hope that somehow she'll just feel all better, and so will my sister. but i guess ultimately we just have to learn that saying goodbye is all part and parcel of life.

Anyhoo, my chelsea didn't conceed to the liver people neither were they triumphant. On the up side, my boy's team won today and yes, hes scored yet again! : ) I'M SO PROUD OF YOU.

Jeremiah Thong has been and always will be one of my greatest joys and he is so much more than just a boyfriend to me. He cares for me like no other and is the only one whom my heart races for. I absolutely love the way he looks into my eyes and the way his smile lights up his face. There's so much I'd say about this wonderful being, but right now I just would really like to thank God for placing someone like him in my life.


that's spidyjere for you.


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