Sunday, September 03, 2006


Okay, Vivien's feeling pretty bored now, soooooooo be prepared for a post fulla random stuff.

My dad's in China, I don't know why he keeps travelling, even though he always says its for work, but the trips are just too often and never ending. It just feels odd not having him around that much.

I don't know why but I think Smokey Ninos has gone senile. Can rabbits even become senile in the first place? Oh I don't know, but she's clearly discarded her toilet training techs. She's seven years old, grey, kinda fat and verrrrrrrrrrrrry lazy, but I love her all the same.

I am feeling really bored right now and I don't seem to have anything else to do besides sitting down infront of the desktop and listening to stuff on Itunes. I think it's becomed a habit, like I have to come online at least once a day. That's bad. Think so? Well I think it's bad!

The theme for this month on my calendar (the PL one) is "Courtesy" It also says, "you should be kind not only when you feel fine"
Be tenderhearted, be courteous. 1 Peter 3:8

I'll try to be!

I like sunflowers
I like the colour orange
I like reading
I like playing the guitar
I like being around people who I care about
I like sushi
I like hockey
I like my handwriting! haha

I miss basketball
I miss hanging out with my friends
I miss my Dad

I think David Beckham's the bestest footballer there is in the whole entire universe!
I think Josh Hartnett's reaaaaaally hot.
I think my sister's studying
I think Hockey Camp's gonna be fun
I think I'm gonna get a sup paper for econs.

I feel like swimming in a swimming pool
I feel like walking down orchard road and smacking someone in the head
I feel like getting myself a spaceship
I feel like going out everyday before I start working for IMF

okay, I'm sure that by now, you'd be able to tell that the bordomonster is in the house.

The borodmonster visits me every night without fail
It makes me
stare into space for long periods,
think about random stuff,
think that I'm hungry when I'm actually not,
listen to songs like Banana Pancakes over and over again
watch videos about great white sharks, baracudas and OKGO doing weird dances on youtube
wish that I was with a friend, so that I can irritate the hell outta that person. hah.
wish that I had a pond outside my house so that I can splash around in it or push my sis in.

Don't you wish that the bordomonster made trips to your place too?
Tell me and I'll tell it for you! [:

okay, not funny.

I'm just really bored lahhhhhh.
I'm soooooo bored
and I'm sure I'm making you feel bored too just by reading about me complaining that I'm bored.

Tell me if you're bored!

OMG, someone just thought I was from Cedar!

k la, I think I shall go offline alrdy lor.


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