Friday, May 19, 2006

Another day goes by...

Ack Ack Ack!!! Looks like the flu bug's been travelling around the class. Janice thinks I've passed it to her.. oh well! haha

Lessons were uber boring today, during each lesson this was what went through my mind "I'm hungry, when can we leave" And it was extreamly cold today during Econs lecture.
We had lunch in the IT canteen, talked alot and we've decided that one hour breaks are just not worth going out of school.

Alicia and Nadia both ain't going for hockey tomorrow!!! :(
ThankGoodness for Natasha, Yan and the rest. haha, I LOVE HOCKEY!
Ohoh and there's FINALLY guitar tomorrow! I MISS NIC!!

There's so much to do over the weekend.. studying for the upcoming tests and stuff..
Right now, I'm just trying to finish all the orange coloured Skittles. I dont like them and there's SO many of them in this particular packet!!

I don't want things to change
I really don't.
I just wished none of this EVER happened.


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